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Continue to elevate student academic growth and proficiency

During the last 2 academic years, the district has seen impressive gains in student growth and proficiency in grades K-8. This change in student proficiency is credited to the adoption of evidence based curriculum, successful implementation of professional development programs for teachers, the utilization of a data driven decision making model, continuous monitoring of student learning and impact of interventions, and the intentional targeting of financial resources to meet ever-changing student needs. 

While grades K-8 are finding success in student growth, growth has not been attained at the same pace in grades 9-12 and the district continues to focus on implementing improvement efforts with a sense of urgency at York High School. Specific examples of the current efforts to improve student outcomes include increasing the number of learning supports available to students, implementing improved, evidence based curriculum and instructional methods that have proven outcomes in the attainment of learning benchmarks, and more frequent monitoring of student growth throughout the school year which increases the number of moments available for targeted intervention.

It is important to note the district and the state of Illinois use a handful of additional metrics to measure student growth and performance at the high school. Two examples of those metrics include the percentage of graduates attending 4 year universities and the number of students enrolling in AP courses during high school (while also earning successful marks in those courses). Student growth in proficiency in grades 9-12 continues to be a top priority for me as a former high school administrator in a high performing school district and current member of the Elmhurst CUSD205 Board of Education.


Financial Stewardship

Strong financial stewardship is necessary to ensure the responsible management of resources and to support the academic success for all students. This entails developing and adhering to transparent budgets, prioritizing resource allocation to align with educational goals, and ensuring compliance with state and federal funding regulations. It is important to continue to engage in regular financial reviews and audits to identify efficiencies and make informed decisions that enhance the quality of education offered to children in our community. By fostering community engagement and open communication about financial decisions, we build trust with parents and stakeholders. Ultimately, strong financial stewardship helps create a sustainable and effective educational environment that maximizes student outcomes and promotes long-term growth within the school district.


Community Engagement and Communication

As an elected official, it is important to stay connected to Elmhurst residents to ensure one can effectively represent the values of the broader community in their decision making. As a current member of the Board of Education it has been my honor to engage in the following activities in effort to stay connected: attending community events, frequently touring schools to see teaching and learning in action, collaborating with administration, principals, and staff,  communicating with community stakeholders, attending PTA events and meetings and partnering with the City of Elmhurst and the Elmhurst Park District. This level of engagement in  will continue to assist me in making decisions that are grounded in our community values and focused on student needs.


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